Okay then.


Down to business. JD used his shirt to get into character, too.


Not sure why studios always seem to be lit so dramatically.


Franklin's not complaining.


Scott behind the Neve. Most of the outboard gear behind him is stuff
he and JV brought up with them. The twin Ibanez 202s are key, yo.


Speaking of gear. I don't know that we ever actually used that '50s Gretsch on anything,
but it was awful cool just to noodle on between takes. We packed some felt behind
the bridge of the '60s Music Man for one song though, which sounded awesome.
And I used the blue Fender Jazz more than I used my own. Laptops solely
for music swapping and finding stuff like this, by the way. Don't worry.
(About JV and Scotty not keeping it analog, I mean. Otherwise, worry away.)


We put the Leslie through its paces too. Man I wish y'all could hear the bass part on "Broom People"
all by itself, stereo'd out, in the headphones, all the way up. Terrifying! Awesome! Agh! Help!


Scotty gets into character down in Studio A. Mooka, who owns the place, grew up outside of Peoria
and hired one of the guys from The Tubes to paint the mural. I felt right at home, anyway.


Peeking into the scary "Waits" room, as in Tom, who uses it exclusively when he does stuff here.


John with Les Paul, channeling less Waits than Jandek, as it happened.



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